Sustainable Ecosystem Management (SEM) for Pastoralism in Cross-border Areas of IGAD Region
Sustainable Ecosystem Management (SEM) for Pastoralism in Cross-border Areas of IGAD Region is a three year (15th Dec 2022- 14th Dec 2025) regional project funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) to enhance the resilience of pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihoods through sustainable management and the use of shared rangelands in cross-border areas of Ethiopia-Sudan and South Sudan-Uganda. The rangelands provide multiple benefits such as pasture and water for livestock, alternative livelihood products e.g. minerals, bee keeping, gums, aloe vera among others, that can be exploited for the benefit of local inhabitants.
Pastoralists in arid lands in the IGAD region migrate to take advantage of the rangeland’s temporal and seasonal variability in terms of feed and water. Their livelihoods integrate variability into processes of production: use of inputs, breeding, accessing land for grazing/browsing, marketing strategies, and links with other livelihood systems. Since the beginning of the 21st century, climate change has influenced pastoral mobility trends – locally and in trans-border areas as pastoralists transcend international borders due to perennial droughts in search of better pasture and water, as well as trade to a smaller extent.
Implementation Modalities
The SEM project will be implemented by IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD) in close collaboration and partnership with relevant government ministries, other non-governmental organizations, and within communities. At ICPALD, it will be led by the Technical Officer supported by a thematic technical team. At country level, ICPALD will work with relevant government staff at national and local levels. The team will be guide by a project steering committee (PSC) that will meet once per year to review the project implementation status and give necessary guidance to enhance efficiency.
Project Objectives
- To build knowledge and understanding about the status of shared rangelands in the target border areas to support sustainable management,
- To enhance feed and fodder availability for men and women pastoralists and agro-pastoralists through regulated use and management of shared rangelands in cross-border areas,
- To diversify livelihoods for men and women pastoralists and agro-pastoralists through sustainable production and use of and wild and domesticated rangelands products (gum and resin, aloe vera, e.t.c.) and other enterprises,
- To support research that informs sustainable rangeland ecosystem and pastoral resilience,
- To improve governance of transhumance routes and wildlife corridors in cross-border areas.
Targeted Project Location
The project implementation will focus on the communities along the cross-border areas of Ethiopia (Benishangul-Gumuz Region)-Sudan (Blue Nile Region) and Karamoja cluster of Uganda (Kaabong District)-South Sudan (South Kapoeta County).

Expected Outcome
- Improved rangeland health and availability of animal feed.
- Improved income for target cross-border communities through established business incubation center.
- Regulated cross-border livestock movement and trade through established cross-border border post.
- Defined livestock migratory routes through demarcated migratory livestock stock routes and wildlife corridors, hence reduced conflict between pastoralists and farmers.
Dr. Wamalwa Kinyanjui (PhD)
Animal Health Expert
IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development
Tel: +254 737 777742
Mobile: +254 722 887 723
Email: [email protected]
Kabete Vetlabs, Kapenguria Road, Off Waiyaki Way,
P.O. Box 47824-00100, Nairobi, Kenya