Experience Sharing Mission for Kismayo Quarantine Staff (Somalia) to the Djibouti Export Quarantine June 21st-22nd, 2018


ICPALD facilitated and supported an experience sharing mission for 5 quarantine officials from the Jubaland State of Somalia to the Djibouti Regional Livestock Export Quarantine that is owned by the Prime International Company, in Djibouti. The mission was, specifically for a team from Kisimayo  with limited export experience to learn about the standards and guidelines on the development and management of quarantines, guideline and phytosanitary certificates, livestock quarantine and marketing system, exportation systems of livestock to Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries and veterinary port operations, among others.
The objectives of the mission were:

  • To gain experience and learn from the different facilities of  export quarantines in Djibouti, build partnerships and improve the capacity of export quarantine in the Jubaland State of Somalia;
  • To learn from quarantine procedures such as  inspection through certification

The Kisimayo team visited and learnt some good practices from the main quarantine, pre-quarantine and the Port activities where animals are shipped to their terminal markets in MENA; discussed key issues and made the following recommendations;


  1. At the Djibouti Regional Livestock Export Quarantine, FMD is a challenge as lack of pure vaccine against the diseases pose problems to the livestock export, especially to the importing countries that require animals that are FMD virus antigen free. It is suggested that the IGAD region endeavors to secure and use FMD pure vaccine; The exporting countries also need to strengthen  investing on exporting deboned meat.
  2. For the Jubaland State of Somalia, inspection of animals and issuance of health certification fall within the domain of the national authority in Mogadishu and this has affected the work efficiency and quality. Hence, the state needs to negotiate with the central government for authorization or delegation of the Jubaland State to use a national stamp and signature on animal health certificate;
  3. Adherence to animal welfare laws is a requirement of importing markets that the Jubaland State of Somalia need to address, especially  putting in place  acceptable infrastructure and standard means of animals transport;
  4. For the Jubaland State of Somalia to establish and run a standard export quarantine, provision and sustaining supply of feeds and water, as seen in Djibouti, is key, despite being an expensive activity;
  5. ICPLAD recommended  the quarantine team to share to all Kisimayo technical staff, the SMP and SOP quarantine procedures and manual and roll them out to improve compliance of the quarantine.

ICPALD expresses appreciation to Italian Development Cooperation for financing this event through the IGAD /FAO implemented livestock and meat project.


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