Second Inter-Regional joint meeting conducted between exporting and importing countries to strengthen collaboration for enhanced livestock and meat trade

export countries


IGAD and FAO have been implementing a regional project on “Improving Supply of Safe and Quality Livestock and Meat Exported from the Horn of Africa to Middle East and North African (MENA) Countries” funded by the Italian International Cooperation.

 IGAD region exports about 50% and less than 10% of live animals and meat respectively required annually to Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries despite the close proximity to and consumers having a high preference of the organically produced livestock from IGAD region

The live animal and meat  exports are not high compared to the opportunities we have; these are mainly  due to limited SPS compliance including trans-boundry animal diseases,   poor vertical and horizontal linkages between the livestock actors, limited promotion and linkage , unjustified  request of vaccination for some diseases and rejection of animals ; among others. Therefore, IGAD/ICPALD organized the second inter-regional technical meeting between the Chief veterinary officers  (CVO) of exporting member states and CVOs of  importing countries  in Entebbe, Uganda from 13-14th November, 2017 to strengthen collaboration; enhance trust and transparency  between the two regions

The workshop was officially opened by Dr. Bosco Okuyo on behalf of Uganda CVO. Welcome remarks were given by Dr. Solomon Munyua, ICPALD Director.  The meeting was attended by representatives from Egypt and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and CVOs from South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Ethiopia and the Djibouti Laboratory Manager and Regional Quarantine coordinator


The meeting recommended the following:

  1. The regulatory bodies or institutions (quarantine and meat inspection and certification) between the export and import countries should continue to contact each other frequently and on need basis to foster transparent and open communication
  2. The exporting countries to familiarize the private sector involved on updated live animal and meat import requirements
  • The importing countries to regularly share the updated version of the live animal and meat requirements with exporting countries.
  1. The exporting and importing countries to regularly review the bilateral agreements/ memoranda of understanding/ and use it to resolve any emerging trade related issues
  2. As per the discussion on the above meeting and agreement, the importing countries (Egypt and KSA) shall follow up on some issues to be clarified and send feedback to IGAD member states together with relevant documents such as accreditation procedures and updated import requirements).

 ICPALD/IGAD expresses its appreciation to Italian International Co-operation  for funding this activity.

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