The IGAD regional livestock identification and traceability systems (LITS) legal framework validated

LITS legal framework

The IGAD regional livestock identification and traceability systems (LITS) legal framework has just been validated in a validation workshop held in May 2nd-3rd, 2016 in Fairway Hotel, Kampala, Uganda. It was attended by about 33 participants who included CVOs, members of the national LITS technical teams in the IGAD MS and experienced consultants on LITS in Africa, in addition to participants from AU-IBAR, OIE, ILRI and North East Africa Livestock Council (NEALCO).

Livestock sector in the IGAD region has substantial potential to contribute to food security and general economic viability and integration within the Greater Horn of Africa (GHoA). However the sector faces production and marketing constraints, widespread endemic diseases, depressing productivity and the threat of epidemic trans-boundary animal diseases (TADs) outbreaks that negatively impact intra and inter regional trade.

This activity forms part of the regional project entitled “Improving animal disease surveillance in support of trade (STSDs) in IGAD Member States” developed by the   African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) in partnership with IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD) and with financial support from the European Union (EU).  The overall objective of which is to  reduce the impact of TADs and zoonoses on food security, trade and resilience of livestock farmers.

Oobjectives of validation workshop were:

  • To present draft report of the regional LITS legal framework to the CVOs, regional LITS technical experts and members of LITS coordination forum for its enrichment and validation;
  • To highlight the purpose and importance of LITS and discuss on how to domesticate the important elements in the legal framework.

 ICPALD acknowledges and appreciates the financial support availed to the region by the European Union (EU) through the STSD project.

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