Regional Meeting to Review Status and Enhance Collaboration for the Control & Eradication of Tsetse Flies and Trypanosomiasis in IGAD Region

Tse tse

Trypanosomiasis is a disease complex that poses a major constraint to sustainable agriculture in tsetse fly infested cross-border areas of the IGAD region. The disease persists in most countries of IGAD region, regardless of the efforts made by African Union Pan-African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication and Control (PATTEC) and countries to eradicate it. Countries in the Region, formally requested IGAD to take lead in sub-regional level coordination in order to facilitate common effort towards control and eradication of the disease. ICPALD/IGAD, with the financial support of World Bank funded RPLRP, organized a two-day meeting to review the status of Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis in the IGAD region in Naivasha, Kenya on 24 and 25th November 2021. The meeting focused on review of prevalence of tsetse and trypanosomiasis (T&T); progress made so far in the IGAD region; how Member States are well supported and coordinated at IGAD and AU-PATTEC level and related challenges. The two days meeting made the following recommendations:

Facilitate socio-economic impact study of T&T in IGAD MS to generate evidence-based data to advocate and facilitate resource mobilization from national treasuries and development partners to sustainably implement T&T control and eradication programmes,

  1. There is need to update the policy, strategy framework and programmes to guide effective control and eradication of T&T,
  2. Tsetse flies and trypanosomiasis (T&T) problem should be tackled within the broader context of One Health, sustainable rural development and poverty reduction by developing appropriate integrated agriculture transformation strategies to control T&T while preserving the environment, birds, insect eating reptiles, other insects like bees,
  3. Promote new innovative strategies, policies, advocacy and awareness, partnerships and effective coordination between Member States to effectively sustain the gains made in the control of T&T among individual MS in the region,
  4. Support MS to undertake a thorough assessment of the T&T problem, distribution and mapping for inclusion into the national rural development priorities within the broader context of One Health and sustainable rural development strategies,
  5. MS and partners should address inadequate human capacity; professional development to replace aging workforce for continuous professional development,
  6. MS and partners should upgrade diagnostic capacities (PCR and genomics) to revitalize T&T control and eradication efforts,
  7. Support research to develop new drug molecules, AMR and biological control for T&T as well as promote technology transfer to last mile end users (farmers, extension officers),
  8. Support/strengthen harmonized e-reporting of T&T field findings nationally and regionally such as Kenya Animal Bio-surveillance System (KABS),
  9. Develop bankable proposals for resource mobilization from potential donors and development partners,
  10. AU-IBAR/PATTEC to organize continental meeting for T&T information sharing to learn from good practice and lessons of the different MS and RECs.

Acknowledgement: ICPALD expresses appreciation to the World Bank Group for financing this activity through IGAD RPLRP project

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