Steering committee Meeting, IGAD-Swiss Partnership status update

Kempisky palace Hotel, Djibouti, 12th May 2015, Reporting Officer: Dr. Adan Bika


The Partnership is premised on a shared commitment to promote peace and security, political stability and good governance as a prerequisite for building resilience and economic and social development in the Horn of Africa region. It also recognizes the orientation and aims of the Swiss Strategy for the Horn of Africa 21013-2016 It formalizes the partnership and an MOU was entered into in July 4 2014 establishing a strategic partnership and a joint cooperation platform The MoU recognizes that the partnership and cooperation is developed within the framework of IGAD and its programs and activities. The partnership and cooperation strives to strengthen the linkages of activities of Switzerland in the region with individual countries, IGAD and the AU It provides for specific sub agreements/project agreements for programs and activities supported by Switzerland




  • Steering committee is composed of IGAD executive secretary, Members of the IGAD committee of ambassadors, Swiss ambassadors posted in the HoA (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Sudan) SDC Regional director of cooperation that monitors implementation.
  • SC is chaired by the ES and the Ambassador of Switzerland in Addis Ababa who invite members of the SC, It meets once per year.



The SC performs the following tasks

  1. Provides supervision and guidance of the partnership
  2. Exchange of information and joint review of overall cooperation
  3. Review project agreements in areas of cooperation and monitor their implementation
  4. Review IGAD reports on implementation of programs and projects in areas of cooperation
  5. Policy guidance for future cooperation


The following presentations were made:

  1. Peace and security
  • Support to CEWARN
  • Mediation support Unit
  • Support to advancing federalism and decentralization in IGAD member states
  1. Economic cooperation and social development
  • Migration
  1. Agriculture and environment
  • Food security and resilience
  • Trans boundary water
  • Land governance
  1. Institutional strengthening
  2. Science

Any other – as discussed with the steering committee


A lot of emphasis was made on federalism and cross border operations.

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