The 9th Annual Eastern Africa Regional Animal Health Network (EA-RAHN) meeting conducted to enhance trans-boundary animal disease control in the region; June 26-28, 2019 Kenya


IGAD /ICPALD in collaboration with FAO and AUIBAR organized the 9th Annual Eastern Africa Regional Animal Health Network (EA-RAHN) meeting. It comprises the Chief Veterinary Officers (CVOs), Epidemiology (EAREN), Laboratory (EARLN) and Quarantine networks (EARQN) and funded jointly by FAO-ECTAD Unit for Eastern Africa, AU-IBAR and the IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD). This regional meeting was undertaken in Lake Naivasha Resort Hotel from 26th to 8th June 2019 where representatives from 10 countries as well as from Regional Economic Communities (IGAD, EAC), AU-IBAR, EuFMD, Makerere University, ICIPE and FAO-ECTAD, OIE Sub-regional for eastern Africa attended. The meeting was officially opened by Dr. Julia Kinyua on behalf of Chief Veterinary Officer, Kenya  while welcoming remarks were made by Dr. Thomas Dulu (OIE), Dr. Ameha Sebsibe (IGAD/ICPALD), Dr. Baboucarr Jaw (AU-IBAR) and Dr. Charles Bebay (FAO-ECTAD).

 The objectives of the 9th EA-RAHN meeting were to review the progress of the network activities, trans-boundary animal disease (TADs) situation and update on One health (OH ) agenda; review challenges constraining the proper functioning of networks and  recommend  next steps.

 The key recommendations were  

 FAO, AU-IBAR, IGAD and OIE to put in place mechanisms to share developed and validated Training Manuals and Guidelines widely in member states (MS) and partners;

  • MS should work to decrease Foot and Mouth diseases (FMD) prevalence in the region and enhance on key activities/competencies to make tangible progress along the FMD-PCP pathway with support from EUFMD;
  • The meeting recommended that MS and partners need to strengthen disease information sharing among the MS and partners;
  • Considering that the region faces high disease risks, the technical institutions, together with the MS, should develop an appropriate Risk Assessment framework with a clear mechanism of ownership for conducting priority risk assessments;
  • Considering the economic importance of rift valley fever (RVF), trypanosomosis (camel and cattle) and tick-borne diseases (TBDs), action towards management of these diseases should be given priority at national levels;
  • In order to sustain In service Applied Veterinary Epidemology Training ( ISAVET) at the country level, the programme should be integrated into the CVO’s structure and budgeted for, with initial support from the partners;
  • Regional workshop on the role and use of IT/tools in early warning, surveillance, risk assessment and information sharing be conducted to improve animal health in the region.
  • FAO, AU-IBAR, IGAD and EAC to plan for a consultative meeting with GALVMed and AgResult, in attendance of NVI, and KEVEVAPI on the contribution of the FMD vaccine project to sustainability of FMD vaccine supply and delivery in the region

The EH-RAHN secretariat (ICPALD/IGAD, FAO, AUIBAR and OIE) expresses appreciation to FAO, AUIBAR and ICPALD/IGAD for funding this activity

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