The sixth VET-GOV Programme Steering Committee (PSC) Meeting


The sixth VET-GOV Programme Steering Committee (PSC) Meeting was held at the SOFITEL Mauritius Imperial Resort in Port Louis, Mauritius, on 22nd and 23rd July 2015. It was attended by the Steering Committee Members and other participants from AU-IBAR, OIE, FAO, EISMV, EAFF, Midzi agricultural Development Services Pty Ltd, BRENTEC VACCINES, RECs (COMESA, EAC, ECCAS, IGAD and SADC) and representatives from countries such as Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius,  and Zambia, (List of participants: Annex 1):

The meeting was officially opened by Honourable Mahen Kumar Seeruttun, Minister of Agro Industry and Food Security, Republic of Mauritius, following remarks from Dr. Janet Edeme, Head of Rural Economy Division on behalf of the Commissioner of DREA, Dr. Baboucarr Jaw, representing the Director AU-IBAR, Mr. David Mwangi Njuru, representing the EC; Prof. Cheikh Ly representing the FAO and Dr. Karim Tounkara representing the OIE.

The 6th PSC Meeting deliberated on the following:

  • Membership of the PSC Meeting
  • Matters arising from the previous meeting;
  • Consolidated Progress report and harmonized calendar of events (AU-IBAR, FAO, OIE, RECs);
  • Financial reports by AU-IBAR, OIE and FAO;
  • Update on pilot activity, policy formulation and updating Veterinary legislation in Mauritius;
  • Review and formulation of Livestock policy in Ghana;
  • Review and formulation of Zambia livestock policy;
  • COMESA implementation progress and regional livestock policy;
  • ECCAS implementation progress


Following fruitful deliberations and,

Considering the mandate of the PSC Meeting to provide strategic guidance to the Programme and oversee coherent implementation of the different contribution agreements;

 Noting the progress made by the Programme after the 5th PSC Meeting held in Nairobi, Kenya (December 2014);

Taking cognizance of the Programme implementation at country and RECs levels;

Considering the need to fast track the programme implementation, enhancing budgetary absorption and ensuring more delegation and empowering of RECs;

The PSC commends the VET-GOV implementing partners for the good partnerships and the important progress made since the last meeting in Nairobi, Kenya.

 The PSC endorsed the following:

 The new members of the PSC;

  • The progress on the implementation of the 5th  SCM recommendations;
  • The technical consolidated progress report;
  • The financial reports presented by AU-IBAR; FAO and OIE

The PSC agreed on the following recommendations:

  1. On the way-forward:
    1. VET GOV implementing partners to document the programme results and impacts at national level;
    2. AU-IBAR, FAO and OIE explore options to fast track programme implementation as per the timelines in the contracts;
  2. On the support to Member States:
    1. Technical partners, and the EC and other development partners continue to complement the efforts of countries in strengthening their Veterinary Services taking into consideration the findings of the OIE PVS and GAP Analysis missions and other evaluation reports and therefore encourage countries to unlock confidentiality of the OIE PVS reports.
    2. OIE to take necessary action to conduct legislation missions for the remaining countries which have submitted request and AU-IBAR to urge other countries to request for legislation identification missions. AU-IBAR to assist countries to prepare the necessary documentations prior to the identification mission.
  3. On reporting on programme progress:
    1. VET GOV implementing partners to submit consolidated reports to the PSC Members at least 10 days before the meeting and report on progress  made on basis of the logframe;
    2. VET GOV implementing partners to document and report on success stories, challenges and lessons learned
  4. On Support to RECs and PPPs
    1. AU-IBAR in collaboration with FAO and OIE to support RECs on specific training needs;
    2. Development and rolling out of exit strategies involving
    3. AU-IBAR in collaboration with FAO and OIE to support regional centres and initiatives related to livestock to better respond to countries’ needs.
  5. On programme implementation and budget utilization:
    1. AU-IBAR to convene a meeting before end of September 2015 with implementing partners to discuss the situation of pilot activities and to overcome difficulties in their implementation;
    2. AU-IBAR to finalize the process , of  EAC and SADC’s accountants’ recruitment latest by end of September 2015;
    3. VET GOV implementing partners to fast track programme implementation.
  1. On partners harmonization and linkages
    1. Partners to utilize the established Livestock Policy Hubs (LPHs) as means for planning and implementation of related national, sub-regional and regional activities;
    2. OIE in collaboration with AU-IBAR to train  at least 10 African professionals in PVS tool of which at least 50% should be women by then the end of the project.
    3. AU-IBAR, FAO and OIE representatives based in Nairobi to maintain their regular coordination and consultation meetings for information sharing and harmonisation ;
  2. Broadening membership
    1. Invite PROPAC and CEBEVIRAH next steering committee (new SC members)

The PSC decides to hold the next steering committee meeting in January 2016 in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea.


The PSC Members thank the Government and people of Mauritius and COMESA Secretariat for hosting the meeting, AU-IBAR and partners for the support extended during the preparation and the conduct of the meeting, and the European Commission for funding the programme.

Done in Port Louis, Mauritius on 23rd July 2015

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