Bilateral Meeting between South Sudan and Sudan to Strengthen Governance Structure and Facilitate Harmonized Cross Border Vaccination
Background IGAD/ICPALD organized regional cross border meetings for regional and ecosystem harmonization and coordination of veterinary activities between bordering Member States out of South Sudan- Sudan bilateral MoU was signed by Ministers responsible for animal health in February, 2020 to strengthen cross-border coordination and cooperation in animal health and sanitary issues. The meeting further endorsed […]
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IGAD Capacity Development Workshop
Introduction The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) is one of the Africa Union’s Regional Economic Communities (RECs) that brings together eight Member States in the Horn of Africa. IGAD’s interventions are informed by its thematic priority areas of focus including; agriculture, livestock and fisheries management; natural resource and environment protection, social development, regional economic cooperation […]
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Rapid Information Sharing and Awareness Raising Workshop
Introduction The EUTF-IGAD Support for Effective Cooperation and Coordination of Cross-border Initiative (SECCCI) Project is a 3-year initiative funded by the European Union (EU) and jointly implemented by UNDP, UNEP in collaboration and partnership with IGAD specialized institutions and other different partners in three clusters of South Omo-Turkana, Marsabit-Moyale and Mandera. In contributing towards addressing […]
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Regional Virtual Meeting on Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement to Help Member States Optimize Benefits from Livestock Products
IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD) in collaboration with AU-IBAR and ARSO organized a regional meeting, on 18th November 2020, to assess preparedness of IGAD countries and identify key technical issues that require the attention of higher policy bodies in order for the countries to optimally benefit from the AfCFTA initiatives. The […]
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Validation Workshop for Reports on Social, Economic and Environmental Impact of Drought on Livestock Sector/Economy and Assessment of Use of Early Warning Climate Information
Background The Horn of Africa is one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change and climate variability. This is due to over reliance on rain fed agriculture and low adaptive capacity. Climate extremes such as droughts and floods, aggravated by climate change and variability, are being experienced more frequently over the region. This negatively […]
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High-Level Experts & Ministerial Meeting to Endorse the Roadmap for Implementation of the Protocol on Transhumance in IGAD Region
Background The need for the transhumance protocol in the IGAD region is premised on the understanding that mobility in search of water and pasture is paramount to the very survival of pastoralist communities. Transhumance is not just a ‘taker’, but contributes about 6-10% to the Countries’ GDP in the IGAD Region. The region lies within […]
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8th Regional Coordination Meeting to Enhance Control and Eradication of Peste Des Petits Ruminantes (PPR)
Peste des petits ruminantes (PPR) and other key small ruminant diseases (SRDs) are among trade-sensitive animal diseases in the IGAD Region. The IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD), established and operationalized the regional PPR control and eradication coordination committee (CECC), developed regional PPR strategies and programme for the control and eradication of […]
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Validation of Study and Training Manual for Animal Production, TADs and Commodity Value Chain
Introduction The Support for Effective Cooperation and Coordination of Cross-border Initiatives (SECCCI) Project, funded by the European Union (EU) and jointly implemented by UNDP, IGAD, UNEP and implementing partners (IPs), in Southwest Ethiopia and Northwest Kenya (South Omo-Turkana Cluster I), Marsabit-Borana and Dawa (Moyale-Marsabit Cluster II) and Kenya-Ethiopia-Somalia (Mandera Cluster III), is designed to provide […]
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IGAD Capacity Development Workshop
Introduction In contributing towards addressing and supporting priority interventions in the cross-border areas, IGAD, in collaboration with its specialized institutions; EU, UNDP, and GIZ have been jointly working on the “Support for Effective Cooperation and Coordination of the Cross-border Initiatives” (SECCCI) in three clusters namely; South Omo-Turkana (Cluster I), Marsabit-Moyale (Cluster II) and Mandera Cluster […]
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Rapid Information Sharing and Awareness Raising Workshop
Introduction The EUTF-IGAD Support for Effective Cooperation and Coordination of Cross-border Initiative (SECCCI) Project is a 3-year initiative funded by the European Union (EU) and jointly implemented by UNDP, UNEP in collaboration and partnership with IGAD specialized institutions and other different partners in three clusters of South Omo-Turkana, Marsabit-Moyale and Mandera. The Intergovernmental Authority on […]
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