ICPALD Profile

Download Here: Agreement Establishing IGAD

Fact Sheets
Good Practices on Fodder and Fodder Production in Karamoja Cluster
Resilience Enhancing Technologies and Practices along the Livestock Value chain in  the IGAD Karamoja Cluster
Innovative Resilience enhancing Technologies and Practices in African grown staple grains Karamoja Cluster

Cross-Border Community Rangeland Good Practices – 2023

Cross-Border Community Rangeland Good Practices – 2024

Pastoral Extension System – 2023

Pastoral Extension System – 2024

Pastoral Land Use Planning – 2023

Pastoral Land Use Planning – 2024

Regional Integration Support Programme (RISP)

ICPALD Profile

ICPALD 2023 Profile

Sustainable Ecosystem Management (SEM)

ICPALD Publications

ICPALD Strategic Plan_FRENCH

Animal Health, Feed and Resilience
1.Animal Health Certification Guidelines
2.Progressive Control and Eradication Strategy
3. Livestock Policy Hubs in the IGAD Region
4. Standards Methods and Procedures(SMP) for Export Quarantine in the GHoA
5. Regional Model Policy Legal Framework (Genetic Resources)
6. Animal Feed Action Plan 
7. IGAD Animal Health Strateg

8. IGAD Regional SPS Strategy and Plan of Action 2017-2022

9. IGAD Strategy for Sustainable and Resilient Livestock in View of Climate Change 2022-2037

10. Eastern Africa Livestock Feed and Feeding Strategy 2023-2037

11. 2023-2032 Camel Resources Management Strategy for the IGAD Region

12. Support to IGAD Countries to Develop Animal Feed Inventory & Balance Sheet

13. Eastern Africa Animal Feed Action Plan 2024-2028

Livestock Identification and Traceability
1. IGAD Model Legal Framework for LITS
2. Regional Guidelines on Livestock Identification and Traceability (LITS) in the IGAD Region

Pastoral Rangelands Management
1. Policies and Proclamations relevant to Pastoral Areas Land Management for Ethiopia, Kenya & Uganda
2. Land Policy Review Report 

3. Rangeland Strategic Framework Rangeland Management for ASALs of the IGAD Region

4. Participatory Rangeland Management Guidelines for Practitioners

5. Assessing Pastoral Land Use Planning, Extension Services Systems & Opportunities in the Greater HoA

6. Availability & Distribution of Different Rangeland Products & Analysis of Market Opportunities

Animal Health Bulletins
01 Regional Animal Health Bulletin FIRST EDITION
02 Regional Animal Health Bulletin SECOND EDITION
03 Regional Animal Health Bulletin THIRD EDITION
04 Regional Animal Health Bulletin FOURTH EDITION
05 Regional Animal Health Bulletin FIFTH EDITION
06 Regional Animal Health Bulletin SIXTH EDITION

Livestock Marketing
1. MENA Training Manual to enhance capacity of Trade counselors of IGAD MS working in Middle East, Asia and African Countries(1st Version)
2. Cross Border Livestock Routes and Markets & TADs and Zoonoses
3. Good Practices & Lessons in the Value Chain of Hides and Skins in the IGAD Region
4. IGAD Training Manual to enhance capacity of Trade counselors of IGAD MS working in MENA
5. Promoting Live Animal and Meat Export from the IGAD region
6. Enhancing Livestock and Meat Marketing for the IGAD Region

7. Catalogue of Live Animal and Meat Importers in MENA
8. Assessment of the Total Economic Valuation of Pastoralism in Kenya

9. Political-Economy Analysis of Livestock Sector in the ASALs of IGAD Region

Non Wood Forest Products 
1.Djibouti Report
2.Somali Report
3.Sudan Report
4.Ethiopia Report
5.Kenya Report
6.Assessment of the Socio Economic Contribution of Alternative Livelihood Resources (Non-Wood Forest Products and Artisanal Mining) at National Level to the GDP of IGAD Member States

7.Regional Synthesis of the Country Reports on Programme for Formulating a Strategy for Production, Value Addition and Marketing of Products from ASAL in the IGAD Region


  1. Transhumance Protocol Brochure-Cover
  2. Transhumance Protocol Brochure-Inside
  3. Legal Policy and Institutional Frameworks in IGAD Region
  4. IGAD Protocol on Transhumance – Adopted Version-EN
  5. IGAD Protocol on Transhumance – Adopted Version-FR
  6. IGAD Transhumance Certificate – Adopted Version-EN
  7. IGAD Transhumance Certificate – Adopted Version-FR
  8. Climate Hazards and Pastoralists’ Responses in the IGAD Region-ICPALD-IOM Report
  9. Strengthening Pastoralists’ Adaptive Capacity to CC in IGAD Region-ICPALD-IOM Report

Resilience Focus Magazine

Issue #1 Inaugural edition
Issue #3 Implementation of the IDDRSI PIAs in the IGAD region
Issue #4 IDDRSI: An emerging revolution for sustainable development in the Horn of Africa region
Issue #5 Strengthening cross-border cooperation

Issue #8 10th Anniversary of IDDRSI

The IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI)

1. Djibouti Country Programming Paper
2. Ethiopia Country Programming Paper
3. Kenya Country Programming Paper
4. Somalia Country Programming Paper
5. South Sudan Country Programming Paper
6. Sudan Country Programming Paper
7. Uganda Country Programming Paper

IDDRSI Strategy
IDDRSI Programming Paper

IDDRSI Priority Intervention Areas

Knowlege Management
Success Stories
Success story from Turkana County,Kenya
Success story from Samburu County, Kenya

Good Practices – Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project (RPLRP)
Community based Pastoral Field School Facilitators, Laikipia County
Grazing Agreements,Laikipia County
Hub Model Milk Marketing, Lamu County
Good Practices and Innovations , Laikipia County
Effective Identification of Vulnerable Marginalized Groups, Conflict Sensitivity…..
Grazing Management Systems, Tana River County..
Integrated Pest Management, Narok County 
Adoption of Kukurioler Chicken among Pastoral communities, Moroto,Uganda
Pastoral Field School Approach for seed Bulking, Baringo county
Pastoral Field School Approach to promote Gender Mainstreaming, Narok County
Forage Seed Production, SNNP Region, Ethiopia
Fodder Production and Management in Kariwo Kebele,SNNP Region, Ethiopia
Community Led Monitoring, Uganda
Cross Border Conflict Mitigation, Uganda

Drylands Transform
Project Summary 1

Project Summary 2

Sustainable Ecosystem Management (SEM) Project
The Role Played by Traditional Institutions in the Governance of Communal Shared Resources

Gender Analysis and Mainstreaming into SEM Project Implementation Study Report

Participatory Mapping of Key Shared Resources & Ecosystems in Cross-Border Areas

Gender Sensitive Conflict Analysis and Mapping Report for the SEM Project Areas