About Livestock Association in IGAD Region

The income and livelihood of a vast majority of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) population in IGAD region is highly dependent on income from livestock and livestock products. And thus development of reliable and timely Database of livestock Associations is vital for livestock producers and traders to support their marketing efforts to increase their sales and income. Very recently, many countries in the region directed institutional focus toward improving livestock information, infrastructure and efficiency. Given the high dependency of livestock keepers and their livelihoods on cash income from the sale of livestock and livestock products, it is important strengthening such initiatives at the region level to enhance vertical and horizontal livestock marketing information collection and dissemination to mainstream stakeholders like producers and traders.

VET GOV project funded by EU and implemented by ICPALD in partnership with AU-IBAR proposed to establish a database of livestock associations from IGAD MS at ICPALD office. The database will operate like an e-portal to be fed by information from the association on relevant livestock sector dynamics. This activity was done by ICPALD staffs for mapping out the associations and development of the database in the office.