Program to Build Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security in the Horn of Africa (BREFONS)


The Program to Build Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security in the Horn of Africa (BREFONS) is a continuation of the Multinational Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Program – DRSLP. The latter is a long-term IGAD and African Development Bank partnership program that seeks to build resilience to Drought and Climate Change, improve community life, and promote regional integration in the Horn of Africa. This Regional Component is part of the regional investment operation which will be implemented in 4 countries, namely: Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia, and South Sudan, which have a Global Appraisal Report, Regional Component Report, and 4 Country Component Reports.

The Program is expected to (i) increase the productivity of agropastoral production systems, (ii) increase incomes from agropastoral value chains, and (iii) enhance the adaptive capacity of the people to better prepare for and manage climate change risks and variation. The Project will provide a regional approach in order to bring an integrated package of interventions to build resilience in target communities within the 4 beneficiary countries.

Project Objective 

To increase the productivity of agropastoral production systems; increase incomes from agropastoral value chains, and enhance the adaptive capacity of the people to better prepare for and manage climate change risks and variation.

ICPALD’s role

ICPALD will undertake the following regional actions: Operationalization of GAD Rangelands management strategic framework; Operationalization of cross-border MOU signed by Ministers to enhance TADs and Zoonosis control in cross-border areas ; Enhance the competitiveness of livestock value chains in the IGAD region through compliance with SPS and Dissemination of livestock, rangeland products and forage/feed technologies to enhanced supply of marketable animals.

Project Duration: The project is for 5 years (2022-2027)

Budget, Donor and Implementing Partners

The project financed by the Africa Development Fund (ADF) Regional Operations (RO) Grant, through contributions from the participating member countries. This Regional Component’s Executing Agency is IGAD IDRRISI.

Budget for ICPALD component is: USD 841,817


Dr. Ameha Sebsibe

Head, Livestock and Fisheries

(Coordinator, BREFONS – ICPALD) 

IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development

Tel: +254 737 777742

Mobile: +254 721 233045

Email: [email protected]

Kabete Vetlabs, Kapenguria Road, Off Waiyaki Way, 

P.O. Box 47824-00100, Nairobi, Kenya