European Union (EU) Special Envoy visit to ISTVS

IGAD Sheikh Technical Veterinary School hosted a delegation headed by the European Union (EU) Special Envoy for Somalia, Amb. Michele Cervone d’Urso. The delegation included Marco Hekkens (Head EU Field Office, Hargeisa), Suzzane Martin (Head of Section, Nairobi office) and Alberto Fiat (Field Office, Hargeisa). The purpose of the visit was to assess the progress made by ISTVS to date. The EU has been a substantial donor to ISTVS since its establishment in 2002. The delegation toured the school’s facilities including the diagnostic laboratory where they conversed with third year students while analyzing samples for their research projects. The Special Envoy expressed his satisfaction with the progress made by the school since its inception.

The occasion was also used to launch a new project known as Enhancing Somali Livestock Trade (ESOLT). The project is to be funded by the EU and will be implemented jointly by African Union Inter-african Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). AU-IBAR was represented by Prof. Ahmed El Sawalhy, Dr. Henry Wamwayi and Mahmoud Hassan Jabra.

Sheikh town was represented by the Deputy Mayor, Mr. Abdi Artan, while Terra Nuova was represented by Riccardo Costagli.

Below are the photos taken during the occasion.

EU Envoy ISTVS lab

EU Envoy ISTVS meeting 2

EU Envoy ISTVS meeting 3

EU Envoy ISTVS meeting

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