Building Resilient Market Systems in the Cross-border Drylands of the IGAD Region (IDDRSI IL)


Within the framework of the Regional Development Objective Agreement (RDOAG) between USAID KEA and IGAD, USAID provided a Fixed Amount Award (FAA) to IGAD for the implementation of the three-year Building Resilient Market Systems in the Cross-border Drylands of the IGAD Region program. IGAD commenced the implementation of two years, scheduled to run from 1st September 2021 to February 29th 2024 with an overall budget of U.S. $3,001,272. This project is implemented jointly with the IDDRSI PCU and IFRAH. Out of the 57 milestones in this IL, ICPALD is implementing 27 milestone with a total budget of USD 1,390,078.

Project Objective 

The overall strategic objective of this proposal is to build resilient communities through strengthening market systems in the IGAD region. Investing in strengthened market systems is expected to improve resilience to shocks and stresses through increased income, improved production systems, increased food availability and diversity and livelihood diversity. This will, in turn, contribute to the overall goal of IDDRSI, which is, “Drought disaster resilient communities, institutions and ecosystems in arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) of the IGAD region achieved by 2027”.

Specific Objectives

  • IR 1.1: Scalable drought resilience enhancing innovative technologies and practices promoted
  • IR 1.2: Drought risk reduction and management improved
  • IR 2.1: Operationalization of signed agreements and adoption of harmonized grades and standards promoted
  • IR 2.2: Effective regional and cross-border coordination and cooperation

Expected Output/Outcome 

  1. Increased Cross-Border Agricultural Trade between Member States in the Karamoja and Mandera Clusters
  2. Increased Domestication and Utilization of Regionally Harmonized Trade Policies in the Karamoja and Mandera Clusters


Christine Bukania

Head of Research, Policy and Knowledge Management

IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development

Tel: +254 737 777742

Mobile: + 254 702 088565 

Email: [email protected] 

Kabete Vetlabs, Kapenguria Road, Off Waiyaki Way, 

P.O. Box 47824-00100, Nairobi, Kenya