IGAD /ICPALD participated on the 38th Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) global meeting


CODEX Alimentarius Commission (CAC) is one of the standard setting organizations that work to protect the health of the consumers and ensuring fair practices in the food trade. IGAD has been granted an observer status in CAC since July 2011 and was represented on the above meeting by Drs. Solomon Munyua and Ameha Sebsibe, ICPALD

This global meeting was organized jointly by FAO and WHO from July 6-11, 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland. The participants were delegates of CODEX member countries from all regions of the world and international government and Non-government organizations as observers. The main objectives of the meeting were to review and approve the CODEX draft food standards and texts by the delegates. The African common positions that were reached under each topics with the facilitation of the AUIBAR were useful and contributed to effective deliberations and decision of CAC

A number of draft standards and texts developed by committees on residues of veterinary drugs in foods, mill and milk products, food hygiene, food additives, contaminants in  foods, pesticide residues, nutrition and foods for special dietary use etc were presented and discussed by CAC members and approved for follow up action. Moreover, new works are also approved for follow up by the respective codex committees. CAC also made additional comments and decisions on matters related to CODEX strategic plan (2014-2019); on sustainable funding for provision of scientific advice to CODEX and member states; on successor initiative of Trust fund for enhanced Capacity Development in food safety and quality in member states .

We also had opportunity to participate on side events useful to IGAD programs: Food safety hazards meeting with particular emphasis on feed. Here we  also had meeting with the International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) and discussed on possible areas of collaboration including organizing regional training on feed enhancement; FAO GM Foods Platform and discussed with Standard and trade Development Facility (STDF) /WTO/ on potential collaborative project

The detailed report of CAC is available on CODEX web site. We  would like to thank the PANSPSO project for the financial support provided to  participate on the above meeting.

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