ICPALD holds a Policy and Legal Experts’ Meeting for Kenya on IGAD Protocol on Transhumance

The workshop was officially opened by Mr. Peter Wamunyu, Director of Foreign Services in his official statement. He reiterated that enhancing regional cooperation on Transhumance is paramount given that the IGAD region depends on livestock production. Other remarks were made by Dr Adan Bika, on behalf of ICPALD Director, Hon Adan Haji Yussuf who is also the Chairman for the Livestock Subsector Committee in the Pastoralists Parliamentary Committee and Dr. Stephen Chumba from the State Department of Livestock.

Deliberations were in form of chaired sessions of presentations, plenary discussions and group simulations. A legally harmonized draft IGAD Protocol on Transhumance was finalized by the Kenya’s policy and legal experts.

Outcomes and Way Forward

  • The final technical draft was subjected to final deliberations from Kenya’s legal experts. The draft is therefore technically approved by Kenya, awaiting the final process of signing a draft road map for ratification process for Kenya was identified and outlined as below:
  • The Signing Process of the Protocol by IGAD Council of Ministers.
  • Preparation and submission of a Cabinet Memorandum to the cabinet for approval. This will be done by the Cabinet Secretary of the Line Ministry and Attorney General Office as provided for in Section 7 of Kenya’s Treaty Making Act.
  • Submission of the Protocol to Parliament (both the National Assembly and Senate). This is also done by the Cabinet Secretary of the relevant Line Ministry.
  • Submission of approved copies to the Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the Cabinet Secretary of the relevant Line Ministry.
  • Preparation of Instrument of Ratification by the Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Depositing the Instrument of Ratification with IGAD Executive Secretary.The meeting proposed specific strategies for the implementation roadmap of the protocol. The strategies include establishment of transhumance offices in the cluster regions; establishment / strengthening of committees on implementation of the protocol; formation/strengthening of Pastoral Associations; formation / strengthening of peace building and conflict management committees; mapping of cross-border migratory corridors; establishment of animal health infrastructures; and establishment of Joint services and social amenities (mobile/nomadic schools, health centres).
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