IGAD Region Veterinarians Train on Risk Analysis to Support Disease Control and Safe Trade


Risk analysis is an essential tool to characterize and evaluate risks, and inform preventive, preparedness and control measures. Previous training conducted by different projects, partners and countries were fragmented and leaned towards the theoretical. The IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas & Livestock Development (ICPALD) has therefore requested the European Commission for the Control of foot-and-mouth disease (EuFMD) to collaborate in the development and delivery of a training course on qualitative risk analysis to produce a critical mass of experts in IGAD countries working in the livestock public sector to support transboundary animal disease control in the region and enhance safe trade. The training approach used was an integrated training approach composed of online e-learning, face-to-face sessions and application and reporting, designed as one package.

The three-phased training started on 8 January, 2020 and ended on 19 June, 2020 after a 4-day long final virtual session. Overall, the training took six months including field work and mentorship. The trainees were from Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda – each country team undertook study using the risk analysis tool and the reports were reviewed to verify that the skill and knowledge was comprehended. Finally, each trainee received a certificate signed by the ICPALD Director and EuFMD/FAO.

The key recommendations include (i) trainees to cascade the knowledge and skill gained and help in integrating the risk analysis tool in their veterinary services program; and (ii) scale up similar training to other IGAD Member States. ICPALD also commends the support of EuFMD and RPLRP (WB) project.

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