Regional meeting to review the status of implementation of grades and Standards undertaken
IGAD Center for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD) organized the meeting with financial support of Regional Pastoral Livelihood and Resilience project (RPLRP) with the objectives of understanding the status of implementation of grades and standards, modalities of promotion & popularization; to facilitate lessons sharing on dissemination of grades and standards and agree on the way forward for harmonization of grades and standards on live animal, meat and hide and skin.
The meeting took place at Naivasha; Kenya from October 07-08, 2015. The participants were from Bureau of Standards, line Ministries involved in the above commodities and Coordinators of the national PLRP from Ethiopia; Kenya and Uganda; LLPI (COMESA); TeraNova and ICPALD/IGAD. The workshop was officially opened by Dr. Charles representing Director of Veterinary Services; Kenya after remarks made by Dr. Dereje Wakjira (coordinator; RPLRP) and Dr. Solomon Munyua (ICPALD Director)
Finally the workshop recommended the following main actions: Enhance awareness and information sharing with key value chain actors; promote joint enforcement; support and enhance self regulation of the industries, consider development of grade and standards for Camels and its products; and emerging livestock species; develop Standard for related facilities, establish and operationalize regional technical committee to facilitate the harmonization of grades and standards in the region
We are grateful to RPLRP /WB project for financing this event