Bilateral cross-border MOU developed between South Sudan and Sudan to enhance Transboundary Animal disease (TADs) control and livestock trade

Sudan -South Sudan


IGAD /ICPALD organized a bilateral cross-border meeting in Khartoum, Sudan from 1- 2nd August 2018 to develop a memorandum of agreement between South Sudan and Sudan; it was financed by FAO South Sudan cross border Project funded by the European Union. The   main purpose of the meeting was to develop and provide a framework for stronger cooperation and collaboration between S. Sudan and Sudan along their common border in order to address animal health issues such as disease surveillance, disease control and do timely sharing of animal health and enhance livestock trade there by improving livelihoods of the border communities and the economy of both countries. The meeting brought together 28 participants from South Sudan, Sudan, and Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Center for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD), IFAD and FAO. Participants consisted of Foreign Affairs Experts from National Governments and relevant experts from the two countries based at federal and bordering states /zones.

The meeting was opened by Dr. Ahmed Shekaldhin on behalf of the undersecretary (CVO), Sudan. He reiterated the importance of enhanced collaboration between South Sudan and Sudan since they have a long history of brotherhood. TADs know no man made boundary and so the shared position of initiating regional harmonized approach for prevention and control.  He also added that the ties between the two countries are multi-directional such as socio-economic, cultural, and geo-political aspects to mention some. Welcome remarks were made by Dr. Ameha Sebsibe on behalf of ICPALD Director and Dr. Jacob Korok, CVO South Sudan.

The meeting achieved the following:

  • Drafted MoU between South Sudan and Sudan
  • Developed a roadmap to finalize the drafted MoU
  • Established a joint steering committee to follow up and provide guidance on the implementation of the MOU

ICPALD expresses appreciation to the FAO South Sudan for funding this activity through the EU cross border project

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