Strengthening Pastoral Livelihoods in the African Greater Horn through Effective Anticipatory Action (PASSAGE)


PASSAGE is a research project and aims to address these knowledge gaps to enhance operational early warning system (EWS) and Anticipatory Action (AA) systems for drought risk in pastoralist livelihood systems across GHA to enhance climate-resilient and sustainable livelihoods, especially for the most vulnerable. At the highest level, PASSAGE seeks to strengthen the management of risks from extreme climate events through impact-based climate forecasts in order to enhance the capacity of pastoral communities to prepare for and recover from the impacts of extreme climate events through robust and cross-cutting anticipatory actions.

The Project Team is led by the Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and the University of Sussex. These organizations will work in collaboration with the National Drought Management Agency, University of Nairobi, Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) and Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC, also part of IGAD) in Kenya, Jigjiga University in Ethiopia, the Centre for Research and Integrated Development in Somalia, Makerere University in Uganda, and the World Food Program and Virridy Research Inc.


The total budget for ICPALD and its sub-grantees is 3.6 million USD.

Project Period: July 2023 – 31st December 2026.

Project Objective 

The overall objective is to co-develop risk narratives and AA plans based on predictive multi-hazard EWS to effectively build the resilience of pastoral communities in the Greater Horn of Africa.

Specific Objectives

  • Objective1-(WP1)To co-create an open-source database for hazard impact, cascading risks, and existing AA used by pastoralist communities.
  • Objective2-(WP2)To co-develop novel, skillful impact-based forecasting and cascading risk models, with context-specific thresholds for specific actions on water and pasture management, complementingexisting climate forecasts.
  • Objective3-(WP3) To improve understanding of AA design and the operational conditions required for them to be effective in building the resilience of pastoral communities at scale in trans-boundary areas using an inclusive and equitable approach.
  • Objective4-(WP4) To document and disseminate tools and initiatives to strengthen the capacities of diverse stakeholders (policy, researchers, practitioners, pastoralist communities, and civil society).
  • Objective5-(WP4) To co-produce and disseminate risk narratives that incorporate tried and tested local and traditional knowledge that are reflective of vulnerabilities and capacities existing within the communities, community needs and preferred languages and means of communication.
  • Objective6-(WP4&5) To effectively coordinate and monitor PASSAGE’s progress and impact, share the learning within and beyond PASSAGE with key stakeholders, and seek opportunities to scale out.

Expected Output/Outcome 

Outcome 1: Management of risks from extreme climate events strengthened through impact-based climate forecast

Outcome 2: Communities prepare for and recover from the impacts of extreme climate events through robust and cross-cutting anticipatory actions


Christine Bukania

Head of Research, Policy and Knowledge Management

IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development

Tel: +254 737 777742

Mobile: + 254 702 088565

Email: [email protected] 

Kabete Vetlabs, Kapenguria Road, Off Waiyaki Way, 

P.O. Box 47824-00100, Nairobi, Kenya