Policy and Legal Experts meeting on the IGAD Protocol on Transhumance , 11-12 July 2018, Entebbe – Uganda

The IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD) held  a two day national meeting bringing together legal and policy level experts from the Government of Uganda to review the final technical Protocol on Transhumance in the IGAD Region in Entebbe, Uganda.

The experts are required to review the implications of the Transhumance Protocol to Uganda as well as to the laws and policies governing the country and to understand ratification and domestication processes by identifying a national implementation framework and make recommendations for implementation roadmap before the Protocol is adopted by the IGAD Committee of Ambassadors.

The opening was presided over by Hon. Moses Kizige, Minister of State for Karamoja Affairs who urged the IGAD Member States to consider the Protocol as key to economic development and integration of the African continent.

He further noted that through the Protocol movement of animals across the region will be able to move legally and safely which has been the greatest challenge to enhance free movement of animals as well as give pastoralists rights and obligations through the engagement of local leaders and security agencies across the region.

Representing Director of ICPALD, Dr Adan Bika the Head of Dry Land Development and Climate Change Adaptation reiterated the need for this Protocol in the IGAD region, which is premised on the understanding that migration in search of pastures and water is paramount to the survival of transhumant pastoralist communities.

Also in attendance were the Members of Parliament from the Karamoja Region as well as representatives from Ministries of Agriculture and Animal Industry, Internal Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Office of the Prime Minister to mention but a few that are key in addressing all concerns of the Uganda government in regards to cross border security, movement, diseases and trade.

Efforts to adopt and implement the IGAD Transhumance Protocol in the IGAD region is part of a three year program to facilitate free movement regime in the IGAD region.

The program and is being funded by the European Union Emergency Trust Fund (EUTF) to enhance orderly cross-border mobility and migration, regional economic integration and development.


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