Private Sector Forum on Livestock Trade Investments

Livestock Trade-1

A study was undertaken by ICPALD, through IDDRSI IL project funded by USAID, in Karamoja cluster which identified various resilience enhancing technologies and good practices along the livestock value chain. Some policy gaps were also identified and four business cases for investments in livestock trade, namely improved animal breeding, feedlot practice, livestock marketing and slaughterhouses, were developed and shared as communication messages with the private sector to help them make informed decisions.

Welcome remarks were made by Dr. Ameha Sebsibe, on behalf of the ICPALD Director, and the meeting opened by Fredrick Aloo on behalf of the Director of Livestock Production, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives. They both noted that IGAD region is well endowed with a huge livestock resource but its potential is not fully harnessed due to several challenges such as limited value addition, inadequate marketing and use of fodder and pasture, resulting from increased drought frequency and desert locust invasion. There is need for increased and coordinated efforts by governments and the private sector to make adequate investment in order to fill the deficit and benefit from the existing resources and demands for livestock products.

56 participants largely drawn from the private sector and a few from the public sector-regulators, banking sector-financial lending institutions, ICPALD and IGAD Secretariat, attended the meeting held on 3rd August 2020.

The meeting made the following recommendations:

  • The public sector should play a facilitating role to the private sector in terms of awareness creation about investment opportunities, capacity building to facilitate compliance with sanitary measures, as well as facilitate harmonization of policies among IGAD Member States to promote cross-border trade in livestock and their products.
  • The private sector should invest in value addition along the livestock value chain to maximize on profit gains.
  • The private sector with support of the public sector should emphasize production of improved fast maturing and high yielding livestock breeds for commercial purposes and better income.
  • The private sector with the support of the public sector should emphasize e-marketing to mitigate effects of shocks such as pandemics like Covid-19.
  • The private sector should keep bankable records of their businesses to enable them reach out to financial institutions for loan facilities to upgrade or diversify their investments.
  • Financial institutions should continue with their market penetrations skills to reach many private sector stakeholders who may benefit from loan facilities.

Acknowledgment: ICPALD expresses appreciation to USAID for funding this activity.


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