Promotion Meeting for South Sudan NEALCO national chapter to enhance partnership and coordination on livestock production and marketing – 6th September, 2018 in Juba, South Sudan

A one-day promotion meeting was held on 6th September, 2018 in Juba, South Sudan to strengthen South Sudan North Eastern Africa Livestock Council (NEALCO) national chapter in areas of partnership and coordination on livestock production and trade.  The chapter was established in March, 2017 with the support of  ICPALD and AU-IBAR with financial support from the USAID funded Standard Methods and Procedures in Animal Health (SMP-AH) project. The council’s main objectives are promotion, coordination, sharing information and advocating for enhanced trade in livestock and livestock products within the country, North and Eastern Africa and outside the region. Financial support for this meeting was from FAO South Sudan through a Letter of Agreement with ICPALD. The meeting was attended by 21 participants who included livestock associations, chamber of commerce, FAO, South Sudan Investment Authority and ICPALD.

Dr. Makuei Malual Kaang, the Under Secretary of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, opened it. He reiterated the importance of livestock to the country and highlighted the importance of commercial livestock production that should emphasized by NEALCO members and other livestock producers to move away from rearing for social status and marriages. He encouraged the representatives of the livestock associations in attendance to subscribe into the council in order to lobby for increased trade and investment into the sector by the public and private sectors. Welcome remarks were made by Dr. Wamalwa Kinyanjui on behalf of ICPALD Director, Dr. Alor Kwaja Kuol Arop on behalf of the CVO and John Kang Gang, NEALCO national chapter chairman. The following recommendations were made;

  1. NEALCO executive members should finalize the registration of the national chapter with South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission to acquire legal status,
  2. NEALCO executive members should finalize the constitution that is in draft form,
  3. NEALCO executive members should support the re-organization and restructuring of the national livestock associations at state and National level to strengthen them before enrolment into the council,
  4. NEALCO executive members should embark on national drive to recruit more members,
  5. NEALCO executive members should undertake awareness campaign about NEALCO at all levels within the country,
  6. NEALCO executive members should improve the technical capacity of the association members by providing tailor made competence based training when funds will be available,
  7. NEALCO executive members should independently or in partnership with IGAD/ ICPALD explore ways for resource mobilization from member associations and development partners respectively,
  8. NEALCO should work closely with Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries and other relevant Ministries to follow the government policies and procedures in their operation.

ICPALD acknowledges FAO South Sudan for funding this activity with funds from the European Commission

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