Regional Animal Welfare Strategy and Action Plan for IGAD Member States validated

Animal Welfare

The livestock sector in the IGAD region same as in the rest of African continent sector is constrained by poor compliance with animal welfare practices due to inadequate public and private sector investments, weak support institutions, inadequate capacity, low public awareness, outdated policies, apathy to law enforcement among others.

IGAD Center for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD) in partnership with AU-IBAR who are implementing VET GOV Program with funding from the EU organized a regional validation workshop on an IGAD regional animal welfare strategy and action plan that was developed with inputs from IGAD MS. The validation workshop was held in Addis Ababa from 1-2nd August, 2016. Delegates were drawn from IGAD Member States (MS) namely Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan and South Sudan. Technical partners in attendance included FAO, OIE, and animal welfare organizations namely; Brooke, World Animal Protection, African Network of Animal Welfare, Pan African Animal Welfare and Donkey Sanctuary.

The workshop was officially opened by Dr. Hadgu Mandefro, the Director for Animal Identification, Traceability and Welfare, Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries on behalf of the State Minister. Welcome remarks were given by Dr. Ameha on behalf of ICPALD Ag. Director, Dr. Hiver on behalf of AU-IBAR Director, Dr. Wakhusama on behalf of OIE Eastern Africa representative and Dr. Yilma, FAO ECTAD Regional Manager. The following were key recommendations:

  • IGAD should integrate MS comments into the report, finalize and share with them
  • A roll out plan be prepared supporting the development of national strategy for member states
  • IGAD takes responsibility in coordination of MS and partner organizations in resource mobilization

IGAD/ICPALD appreciates the financial support by AUIBAR/EU

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