Increased Resilience of the Communities in the Karamoja Cluster (SCIDA III)


The increased resilience of the communities in the Karamoja Cluster is a financial contribution from Strengthening IGAD’s Capacity to Increase Resilience in the Horn of Africa (SCIDA III) project implemented in close collaboration with GIZ.  This Financial Contribution builds upon ICPALD’s achievements in the IGAD region in general and the Karamoja Cluster in particular and contributes to IGAD Strategic Development Objective 2 “To enhance sustainable management of natural resources and the environment and build resilience to disasters and climate change/ variability”.

Budget: 601,361 Euros

Project Period: 18 Months (1st July 2023 – 31st December 2024)

Donor: The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)-Germany

Implementing Partners: IGAD-ICPALD, GIZ

ICPALD’s role

ICPALD aims to achieve the objective through one output: Natural Resource Management: to enhance the sustainable rangeland management and use of transboundary rangeland resources for community resilience.

Special attention shall be given to gender empowerment and inclusion through for example, increasing women’s participation in trainings. 


The overall objective of this Financial Contribution is to increase resilience of the communities in the Karamoja Cluster.

Specific Objectives

To enhance the sustainable rangeland management and use of transboundary rangeland resources for community resilience.

Expected Output/Outcome 

Outcome: Rangeland Management is sustainably strengthened

Output: Natural Resource Management: to enhance the sustainable rangeland management and use of transboundary rangeland resources for community resilience


Dr. Kathiya Dominic Lokeris

Livestock and Rangeland Development Officer

(Project Coordinator)

IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development

Tel: +254 737 777742

Mobile: +254 759 939 401

Email: [email protected]

Kabete Vetlabs, Kapenguria Road, Off Waiyaki Way, 

P.O. Box 47824-00100, Nairobi, Kenya