Multi-Stakeholder Forum to Review Utilization of Innovations and Technologies Along the Livestock Value Chain in IGAD Cluster III through Established Platforms


Communities in IGAD cluster III are subject to chronic food insecurity, protracted competition and conflicts over natural resources such as pasture and water for their livestock, occasionally leading to unwarranted loss of human life, because of increased frequency of drought brought about by effects of climate change. IDDRSI PCU in collaboration with ICPALD, planned a follow up meeting to the September, 2021 multi stakeholder platform meeting to review status of utilization of innovations and technologies along the livestock value chains.  Dr. Harry Oyas, on behalf of CVO, Kenya, MoALFC, State Department of Veterinary Services, republic of Kenya, opened the two-day physical meeting running from April 29-30, 2022. He noted that climate change is affecting IGAD region with 3 year long dry spell currently being experienced posing a big challenge for livestock value chain. Only concerted collective action can mobilize and address the challenges for the region. Dr. Adan Bika, ICPALD and Dr. Tesfaye Beshah, IGAD Secretariat, made welcome remarks. The meeting was attended by 41 participants from representative farmer/pastoralist groups, technical experts from Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, GEWDO, KEMLEIC, Bahati slaughterhouse chair, IGAD secretariat and ICPALD. The meeting made the following recommendations:

  1. Strengthen one health approach to incorporate all relevant national and sub-national institutions in MS.
  2. Strengthen extension and e-services across the value chain, from input, production, processing to marketing.
  3. Strengthen national capacities for compliance with SPS and TBT (Technical barriers to trade) requirements as per importing market demands.
  4. Strengthen cross border coordination for management of livestock movement and control of transboundary animal disease by operationalizing signed MOUs or development of new ones where there is none (Kenya and Somalia).
  5. Promote utilization of early warning and response tools (FAO RVF decision support tool, IGAD EWT, National EWT).
  6. Promote research and adoption of improved animal breeds, drought and disease/pest tolerant, fast maturing and high yielding, and vaccines.
  7. Promote value addition technologies and good practices along livestock value chain (dairy, meat processing, hides & skins, waste management and by-products e.t.c.).
  8. Strengthen resource mobilization to support livestock value chain investment actions.

IGAD expresses appreciation to government of Sweden for funding this activity.

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