Status of domestication of the Regional Animal Health Policy Framework (RAHPF) in the IGAD region reviewed

Status of domestication of the Regional Animal Health Policy Framework  (RAHPF) in the IGAD region reviewed.

ICPALD/IGAD and AUIBAR jointly organized the above regional meeting with the main objectives of creating further awareness to the relevant Ministries and Stakeholders on the RAHPF, to share and discuss on the outputs and recommendations of the previous meeting on domestication of the framework and record further achievements and challenges, update on status of ongoing national and regional animal health related projects /program/initiatives and to develop a road map and identify strategies to effectively roll-out the RAHPF in member states

The meeting was opened by Dr. Catherine Wanjohi, representing the Director Veterinary Services Kenya after Dr. Solomon Munyua,  the Ag. Director ICPALD made remarks on the event. The participants of the regional  meeting were Directors of Veterinary services in IGAD member states, representatives of Ministry of Trade, Ministry of foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, and IGAD/ICPALD.

The regional meeting reviewed the status of implementation of the RAHPF at the national and regional levels, identified the gaps, achievements and support required and made recommendations for  follow up actions. The main recommendations include: the national Livestock Policy Hubs and CVOs should engage the higher officials like Ministers to advocate for  accelerated  domestication of the RAHPF, there is need to enhance the development of livestock infrastructure along trade routes in order to boost trade, there is need to develop trade protocol for IGAD Member States, enhance capacity for compliance of  international trade, support private sector to enhance livestock and livestock product  value addition and IGAD should strengthen  the M&E to make follow up on the domestication process.

ICPALD/IGAD is grateful to EU for financing this event through the RISP III and VET-GOV /AUIBAR/projects

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