3rd Inter-Regional Joint Technical Meeting of IGAD Exporting and MENA Importing countries to strengthen collaboration for enhanced Livestock and Meat trade; June 24-25, 2018- Dubai; UAE



IGAD and FAO have been implementing a regional project on “Improving Supply of Safe and Quality Livestock and Meat Exported from the Horn of Africa to Middle East and North African (MENA) Countries” funded by the Italian International Cooperation. IGAD region exports about 50% of live animals and less than 10% of meat required annually to MENA countries despite the close proximity; high livestock resources available and long traditions of marketing and supplying organically produced livestock to MENA.


As indicated above; the live animal and meat exports are not high compared to the opportunities we have; these are mainly due to limited SPS compliance including trans-boundary animal diseases,  poor vertical and horizontal linkages between the livestock actors, limited promotion and linkage , unjustified  request of vaccination for some diseases and rejection of animals ; among others. ICPALD organized the 3rd inter-regional technical meeting between the Chief veterinary officers (CVO) of exporting member states and CVOs of importing countries in Dubai; UAE from June 24-25, 2018 to strengthen collaboration; enhance trust and transparency between the two regions.

Dr. Solomon Munyua, the Director of ICPALD and Mr Gerold Boedeker, Ag, sub-regional coordinator of FAO for GCC and Yemen made welcome remarks and the workshop officially opened by H.E Eng. (Amb) Mahboub Maalim, the Executive Secretary of Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). The participants are CVOs and officers’ in-charge of export quarantine facilities from Egypt, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and Jordan; the CVOs or their representatives from IGAD member states (MS) and the Lab manager and Deputy Technical Manager of Djibouti Regional Quarantine. After presentations on the status of trade, challenges and key issues; the below recommendations were made for follow up actions;


  1. ICPALD and FAO should work closely with member states to enhance compliance with import sanitary requirements for sustainable trade;
  2. MS should promote private sector investment in feedlots and ranch to enhance value addition and ensure year round marketable supply of livestock;
  3. ICPALD, FAO and MS should support implementation of livestock identification and traceability system (LITS) starting from primary markets and quarantines and focus on promotion of compartmentalization as a way to prevent and control TADs ;
  4. IGAD secretariat shall facilitate the IGAD-MENA technical collaboration platform at policy level of permanent secretaries and ministers to formalize the engagement at higher level;
  5. IGAD and FAO shall continue to strengthen experience learning through South to South cooperation to help exporting countries comply with SPS requirements;
  6. The IGAD-MENA regulatory authorities to continually communicate and regularly review the bilateral agreements/ memoranda of understanding/ and apply to resolve any emerging trade related issues.

ICPALD acknowleges and appreciates the Italian International Co-operation for funding this activity.

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