ICPALD undertook Trade mission in South East Asia for the private sector and regulatory bodies of IGAD livestock exporting countries


Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in partnership with FAO, with financial support from Italian Development Cooperation is implementing the regional project,Improving supply of safe and quality livestock and meat exported from the Horn of Africa to Middle East and North African (MENA) countries”. Though the MENA market is major and close to our countries; it has been a buyer market and our exporters have limited bargaining opportunity and hence ICPALD organized a trade mission to explore alternative markets  and  enable livestock and meat exporters of the region to diversify and expand  markets  in Malaysia and Vietnam.  The main objectives of the trade mission from Sept 11 to 22, 2016 were to brief the regulatory bodies and importers on our livestock resource base; status of production & marketing and share promotional materials; to collect information on live animal and meat (chilled, frozen, edible offal ) importing  requirements, to discuss with importers on the volume of import and price, identifying  potential trade partners and undertake  observations on major meat and live animal markets. The regional delegation was led by Dr. Solomon Munyua, Ag. Director; ICPALD

 The mission team had successful discussions with Malaysian and Vietnamese regulatory bodies; Halal certification body and importers of frozen and chilled meat and offal’s on various issues with the main focus of understanding of their mandatory importing requirements, procedures of applying to attain import certification by some of the experienced and capable slaughter houses; and get an indication of the demand and price of the products. Moreover; the delegation was able to learn on the packaging of meat and prices in the markets of Malaysia and Vietnam and shared their promotional materials.

Finally the team had wrapping session and agreed on the way forward  that covers immediate actions and deadlines to timely submit application for selected capable slaughter houses from IGAD member states, subsequent  onsite visit arrangement for the importing countries and follow up of obtaining import certification from the two countries

IGAD-ICPALD appreciates the Italian Development Cooperation for financing this event is also grateful for the Kenyan High commission in Malaysia and Vietnam FAO offices for the links with  the other organizations.

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