September 10, 2022 (LODWAR, Kenya) The IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD) IDDRSI IL project funded by USAID held a six-day session of training for selected trainees from Karamoja and Mandera clusters. from 5-10 September, in Lodwar, Turkana County, Kenya.
It was attended by participants from fodder and livestock cooperatives, butcher associations, livestock trade associations, academia, livestock and marketing officers and government regulatory authorities. Countries represented were Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda. The 51 participants comprised 45 males (88.2%) and 6 females (11.8%).
Welcome remarks were made by Dr. Ameha Sebsibe on behalf of ICPALD Director, Dr. Dereje Wakjira, while Mr. John Chege officially opened the training on behalf of the Director of Livestock Production in Kenya, Mr. Bishar Elmi. The participants were trained in fodder and livestock value chains to promote scale-up of identified innovations and technologies. Some outcomes of the training were:
- Built capacities for engaging in cross-border cooperation to strengthen resilience in the clusters.
- Knowledge /skills / training materials /on resilience enhancing innovations and technologies along the livestock and fodder value chain shared.
- Regional platform to share good practices and lessons among participating countries created.
- Knowledge on quality pasture and fodder production including planting methods, harvesting, storage and conservation shared.
- Discussion on communal rangeland management for improved pasture production – governance by-law, re-seeding and enhancing quality held.
Key Recommendations: Livestock Value Chain Training
- IGAD should support review and strengthen regional agreements/MoUs among neighboring countries with the necessary provisions to promote cross-border livestock movement and trade without restrictions,
- IGAD and MS should promote harmonious utilization of cross-border infrastructures such as livestock markets, laboratories, water resources,
- MS should promote the acquisition and use of designated livestock trucks to ensure safe, humane transportation and arrival of livestock,
- MS should strengthen, expand and diversify value addition along the livestock value chain
- IGAD and MS should strengthen synchronized/ harmonized disease surveillance and vaccination against priority TADs
- MS should promote conflict resolution skills utilizing national and indigenous mechanisms
- MS and IGAD should promote cross-border learning and cross-fertilization among communities and stakeholders across clusters and IGAD region
- MS should strengthen commercialization of the livestock sector through advocacy and awareness creation – expanding/developing feedlots, product, diversification and catalyzing Public Private Partnership (PPP) to increase investments,
Key Recommendations: Fodder Value Chain Training
- IGAD and MS should Connect fodder producers’ groups and cooperatives to market information through information and communications technology (ICT website) to facilitate sharing of good practices and fast-track linkage to available market demand at better prices across the IGAD region,
- MS should promote use of fodder densifying machines among the private entrepreneurs and fodder production groups to reduce transportation costs,
- MS should promote value addition along the fodder value chain (multi-nutrient block production, forage chopping, forage densification and pre-mix production using locally available raw materials including Prosopis juliflora and acacia pods)
- MS with support of IGAD should advocate local governments and private sector to preposition fodder/feed banks near places frequently affected by droughts, ensuring the full participation of potential beneficiaries,
- MS should promote commercial fodder production, either rain fed, spate-irrigation, river banks and major flood plains.
- Encourage private sectors and agro/ pastoral groups in forage seeds production and distribution (include drought- and saline-tolerant varieties)
- Strengthen operations of water user’s associations for efficient management
During the first year of IDDRSI Implementation Letter of the project, a study was conducted in the Karamoja cluster to assess the relevance of existing drought resilience enhancing innovative technologies. They identified good practices for replication by the private sector in the cluster and beyond, as well as the challenges they face and how they can be mitigated, and the opportunities available for achieving sustainability. The study focused on livestock value chains with emphasis on identification of innovations and technologies for adoption and replication, as well as the private sector actors to bring on board, including members of women and youth groups and representatives of regulatory bodies.
Building on the achievement of the year one of IDDRSI IL, tailored training manuals were developed in livestock, fodder and African staple grain value chains to use to train mainstream stakeholders. Selected representatives of these groups were further trained in the group dynamics and business development to ensure smooth functionality of the target groups.
ICPALD expresses appreciation to USAID for financing this activity.