Uganda National Meeting Towards Drafting of Pastoral Laws in Line with the IGAD Protocol on Transhumance

Ug National

May 9, 2023 (ENTEBBE, Uganda) The IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development with financial support of the European Union held a three-day meeting to initiate dialogue on operationalization of the Transhumance Protocol through the national legislative framework in Uganda.

In attendance were technical experts from the pastoralism sector and stakeholders from complementing sectors of Uganda namely: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries; Ministry of Lands Housing and Urban Development; Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Uganda Land Commission; Ministry of Karamoja Affairs; Ministry of Internal Affairs; CSOs dealing with pastoralism.

The meeting follows a series of deliberations and processes that have been underway since 2017. In the recent past national sessions to discuss ratification and domestication of the Protocol have been held, preceding the ongoing national meetings towards drafting of pastoral laws at the Member States level.

Uganda is yet to ratify and thereafter domesticate the Protocol for implementation, but reiterated its overall commitment to the ideals and objectives of IGAD, expressing its willingness to participate and support IGAD activities geared towards bringing the organization’s objectives to fruition.

To facilitate the domestication process, ICPALD has led development of an IGAD model law with serves as a guiding framework in initiating drafting of national laws that support implementation of the Protocol. The meeting deliberations enhanced knowledge on the IGAD Transhumance Protocol, identified gaps on pastoralism and initiated policy dialogue amongst the key legislators and policy actors.

With the guidance of both Uganda legal experts and other stakeholders, consensus was reached on a draft roadmap leading to a pastoralism and transhumance bill. Notably, MAAIF pledged to lead the process towards domestication of the Protocol.


To assist IGAD member states in reviewing and drafting laws that will assist pastoralists to have access to infrastructure and services, IGAD has developed a transhumance protocol under a EUTF funded program. The protocol was developed through a very participatory process which included; technical consultation meetings held at each Member State between 2017 and 2018, national negotiation meetings with Member States’ legal experts and policy makers held between 2018 and 2019, regional negotiation process, validation and endorsement by IGAD Committee of Ambassadors, adoption of the implementation roadmap by Sectoral Ministers on November 2020, and adoption by the 72nd extraordinary session of the IGAD Council of Ministers in June 2021. The IGAD Member States are committed to the signing, ratification and implementation of this timely Protocol. ICPALD has developed a regional model pastoral law to guide Member States’ process of drafting and enactment of national laws towards the domestication of the protocol. With support from the EUTF towards Free movement of Persons and Transhumance in the IGAD Region, ICPALD plans to conduct national meetings in its Member States to initiate the process of national policy dialogues towards drafting of pastoral laws and policies in line with the regional transhumance protocol.



IGAD – Intergovernmental Authority on Development

ICPALD – IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development

MAAIF – Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries

EUTF – European Union Trust Fund

Links to the Protocol:

English version

French version

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