Validation of Kenya National Strategy for Resilient and Sustainable Livestock Sector to Effects of Climate Change

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ICPALD funded by the World Bank Group developed an IGAD regional strategy on resilient and sustainable livestock to effects of climate change. After validation of the regional strategy, three countries; Ethiopia, Kenya and South Sudan were selected for domestication with further financial support from the WB’s Program for Climate-Smart Livestock Systems (PCLS – P175704). A small grant from the World Bank Food and Agriculture Global Practice (AGF GP) will be used to tailor some elements of the strategy to national circumstances and support the development of national investment plans that align with resilient and sustainable livestock development for the countries. Phase I report on stocktaking and gaps analysis was finalized and validated on September 15, 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya.

Objective: To validate the draft national report on identified investment gaps for resilient and sustainable livestock in Kenya.

Opening Remarks

Dr. Harry Oyas, representative of the Chief Veterinary Officer officially opened the one-day validation meeting. He informed participants about how Kenya is bearing the brunt of climate change effects with most ASAL counties facing drought and increased livestock mortality due to starvation attributed to climate change.  Despite government and development partners’ efforts to distribute animal feed and water to save pastoral assets, continuing drought has been eroding the effort and making pastoralists drop out of their main livelihood earner. This calls for concerted effort to build a resilient livestock sector. The strategy which is meant to identify clear investment opportunities may give a slight lifeline to pastoral investments. Dr. Wamalwa Kinyanjui made welcome remarks on behalf of the ICPALD Director, Dr. Dereje Wakjira. The meeting was attended by 25 participants drawn from the Ministries of Livestock, Environment, Universities, ILRI, NGOs and ICPALD.

The presentation was a summary of stocktaking and gap analysis report by consultant John Mburu.

Identified Investment Opportunities

1. Planning, coordination and monitoring

2. Resilient markets

3. Feed and fodder production and grazing management

4. Disease management and loss reduction

5. Livelihood diversification

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