Validation Workshop for National sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) strategy, Djibouti. Kempinski Hotel, Djibouti; 5th May, 2019

IGAD Center for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD), through financial support from USAID consulted relevant stakeholders in Djibouti and collected data on the status, challenges and next steps on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures. The national draft strategy  aligned  to IGAD regional SPS strategy was reviewed; enriched and validated on 5th May, 2019 in Djibouti by SPS technical experts from across the country.  Thirty one (31) representation from Ministry of Agriculture, Water, Livestock, Fisheries and Marine Resources, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Trade, Chamber of Commerce, IGAD and FAO participated.

The Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture, Water, Livestock, Fisheries and Marine Resources, Mr. Ibrahim Elmi made the official opening remarks.  He stressed the need for the country to have strong regulatory mechanisms, laws in place and be able to respect and enforce them. He noted that since Djibouti imports a lot and also serves as a corridor for exports for Eastern region countries, it is essential to have the national SPS strategy that will help increase the countries’ competitiveness in international trade and at the same time safeguard the health of its people, livestock and the environment. Mr Ahmed Yunis Habbane on behalf of IGAD Executive Secretary and ICPALD Director also made welcome remarks. Finally the meeting made the following recommendations:

  • Comments and suggestion provided at the meeting on the SPS strategy to be incorporated and submit the final version
  • Djibouti to domesticate the final national SPS strategy and promote its utilization with the key stakeholders
  • ICPALD together with the Republic of Djibouti should support the establishment of the initiated national SPS committee to enhance inter-sectoral collaboration and expedite implementation of the national strategy

IGAD Center for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development appreciates and acknowledges USAID for financing this activity.

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