Improving Animal Health Services in Pastoral Areas: Regional Dialogue on How to Enhance Animal Health Service Delivery in the IGAD Region, 13-14th September 2018, Entebbe, Uganda

A two-day regional dialogue on enhancing  animal health service delivery in the IGAD region was organized by ICPALD with financial support from the Regional Pastoral Livestock Resilience Project (RPLRP) funded by the World Bank and being implemented in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. The meeting discussed the recommendations from a study report of 2017 on the roles of public and private sectors in the supply and provision of animal health services in the IGAD and the validated regional framework, on update provided by the MS on status of animal health service delivery by the public and private sectors including vaccine production and marketing and lessons on the PPP in the delivery of Animal health services delivery in the member states.

Dr. Anna Rose Ademun Okurut, the Chief Veterinary Officer, Uganda officially opened the workshop. She highlighted that loan schemes in agriculture faces serious challenges because of unfavorable weather patterns like drought that decimate crops and contribute to increased livestock mortality. More efforts are required from the livestock sector to attract private sector investors into potential areas like export slaughterhouses, quarantine facilities, vaccine production & marketing among others. Dr. Solomon Munyua, Director of ICPALD also officiated the meeting. The meeting comprised of 25 participants from Ministries of Livestock, Finance (public private partnership/ PPP Unit), veterinary boards, vaccine production units and private veterinarians from the three RPLRP supported countries. Chief veterinary officers from Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, OIE, VSF-G also participated in the meeting.

The following recommendations were made;

  1. Member States are encouraged to rollout the proposed actions on the validated study on roles of public and private sectors and framework in the supply and provision of animal health services in the IGAD region;
  2. Member States should encourage private sector investment in disease prevention and control through surveillance, vaccinations and laboratory diagnostics;
  3. IGAD to support member states to develop/ review/ strengthen PPP policy and legislative framework to guide animal health delivery initiatives;
  4. Member states should identify potential PPP projects under the livestock sector for private sector investment such as vaccine production and supply, disease control/ management, control of food borne diseases/ food safety, animal breeding/Genetic resources, Quarantine stations among others;
  5. Ministries of livestock should develop bankable projects that can attract more budget allocation from national / federal governments and development partners to undertake PPP identified projects
  6. IGAD should collaborate with PPP trainers such as Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute (MEFMI) of Eastern and Southern Africa, Zimbabwe to build the capacity of livestock sector country teams on PPP
  7. Ministries responsible of Livestock should work closely with their country PPP units in Ministries of finance to push through potential PPP projects
  8. IGAD to convene a follow up annual regional meeting to review the progress realized by MS in adopting and implementing the PPP viable initiatives after the Entebbe meeting; and
  9. MS should develop and implement clear animal health service delivery strategies to regulate free and or subsidized vaccination programmes; unless during emergency periods, to avoid market distortion and unfair competition with private sector operators.


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