IGAD /ICPALD organized participation of private sector involved in livestock and meat export at GULF food fair 2018
IGAD in partnership with FAO, with financial support from Italian Development Cooperation is implementing the regional project; Improving supply of safe and quality livestock and meat exported from the…
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Grades and Standards Harmonization Meeting: Live Animals, Meat and Hides & Skins 30th January to 1st February 2018, Adama – Ethiopia
Introduction Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project (RPLRP) is being implemented in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda and funded by the World Bank. IGAD is tasked with harmonization of policies in the…
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Dissemination Workshop on Conflict and Livestock Interventions, 21-22 December 2017, Naivasha – Kenya
The IGAD Center for Pastoral Areas and Livestock development (ICPALD ) has been undertaking a number of regional studies on policies, strategies , guidelines and validated them with member…
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Regional Italian Meat Focal Points Meeting, 10th January 2018 Naivasha-Kenya
Background IGAD and FAO have jointly been implementing a regional project on “Improving Supply of Safe and Quality Livestock and Meat Exported from the Horn of Africa to Middle East…
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Conflict Sensitivity and Prevention Toolkit
The Conflict Sensitivity and Prevention (CSP) toolkit was developed as part of the World Bank funded “Pastoralism and Stability in Sahel and Horn of Africa” project (PASSHA, 2015-2017, World…
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Operationalizing the Cross Border Animal Health activities in the multilateral Karamoja cluster
Introduction A draft multilateral MOU between Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda seeks to harmonize some cross border animal health activities and natural resources. As per the MoU scope…
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Second Inter-Regional joint meeting conducted between exporting and importing countries to strengthen collaboration for enhanced livestock and meat trade
Introduction IGAD and FAO have been implementing a regional project on “Improving Supply of Safe and Quality Livestock and Meat Exported from the Horn of Africa to Middle East and…
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Uganda-Kenya Cross-border Meeting: Harmonized Trans-Boundary Disease Surveillance and Vaccination in Karamoja Cluster 24-29 September 2017
The Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project (RPLRP) funded by the World Bank is concomitantly under implementation in Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia. One of the operational activities of the national…
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Regional Validation Workshop on Public Resource Allocation and Private Sector Investment in Livestock in the IGAD Region, 25-26 July 2017 Mombasa, Kenya
IGAD/ICPALD organized a regional Validation Workshop on Public Resource Allocation and Private Sector Investment in Livestock in the IGAD Region from 25-26 July 2017 in Mombasa, Kenya. Welcome remarks…
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