The 5th Inter-Regional Joint Technical Meeting of IGAD Exporting and MENA Importing Countries to Strengthen Collaboration for Enhanced Livestock and Meat Trade
Introduction IGAD region is rich in livestock resources and the home of over 336 million ruminants. It exports about 50% and less…
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Private Sector Meeting for IGAD Exporting and MENA Importing Countries to Strengthen Collaboration for Enhanced Livestock and Meat Trade
Introduction IGAD region is rich in livestock resources. It exports about 50% and less than 10% of live animals and meat respectively…
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Seasonal Rangeland Forage Prediction (March-May 2022)
Key Advisories Close monitoring and institutionalization of contingency plans in deficit and near deficit areas for purposes of early warning for early action.Increased community…
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Draft National AfCFTA Implementation Strategy for Sudan Reviewed and Validated by Stakeholders
Introduction The Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) was launched in 2018 and ratified in Niger in July 2019. The Agreement promises to create…
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IGAD and FAO Alert Countries in Eastern Africa to Remain Vigilant for Rift Valley Fever
Rift Valley fever (RVF) is an endemic vector-borne zoonotic disease that represents a threat to human health, animal health and livestock production in the eastern…
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Camel Resources Management Regional Strategy for IGAD Region Validated by Stakeholders
Background IGAD region is home to about 21 million camels (60% of the world population) which dwell in arid and semi-arid land…
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Launch of Ethiopia-Somalia Cross-border Collaboration, Governance Structures and Development of Harmonized Surveillance and Vaccination Program
Several OIE listed transboundary animal diseases (TADs) or diseases that easily spread from one country to another continue to spread within the IGAD region threatening…
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Launch of Djibouti-Ethiopia Cross-border Collaboration, Governance Structures and Development of Harmonized Surveillance and Vaccination Program
Several OIE listed transboundary animal diseases (TADs) or diseases that easily spread from one country to another continue to spread within the IGAD region threatening…
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Regional Meeting to Review Status and Enhance Collaboration for the Control & Eradication of Tsetse Flies and Trypanosomiasis in IGAD Region
Trypanosomiasis is a disease complex that poses a major constraint to sustainable agriculture in tsetse fly infested cross-border areas of the IGAD region. The disease…
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Regional Meeting to Review of Status of Community Animal Health Workers (CAHW)/Community Disease Reporters in IGAD Region
In the IGAD region, countries such as Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti and Uganda recognize the services of CAHW particularly in pastoralist setting, where…
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