Second Eastern Africa Sub-regional Workshop on Climate-Smart Agriculture
1.Objective of the Workshop The objectives of the meeting are as follows: Consolidate outcomes of the previous meeting and officially launch the Eastern Africa Sub-regional CSA Platform; Develop the CSA Platform Work…
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ICPALD Mission to Khartoum, Sudan
ICPALD Mission to Khartoum, Sudan Reported by: Dr Osman Babikir, Caroline Agosa and Hassan Salaheldin The 3rd Regional Integration Support Programme (RISP3) is a follow-up phase to RISP1 (2005-2010) and RISP2…
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Test training on modular curricula development on Spatial Planning and Applications of GIS &RS in Agro pastoral Production Systems and Natural Resource Management for IDDRISI.
The IGAD Modular Curricula Development for training courses on GIS/RS application in multi-sectoral and spatial planning in the context of IDDRSI Project (ICDP) is a regional technical…
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ICPALD Protocol Mission to South Sudan
Background: In 2009, the IGAD members of Parliament proposed that IGAD establishes a dry land training institution and technical centre to promote bio-prospecting and bio-enterprises. In December 2009, the IGAD…
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